The exhibition is comprised of a modular, off-the-shelf, pipe structure, layered fabric panels, videos, and models. It shows an overview of Urban-Think Tank’s research methods, proposals, and built projects from the past two decades. The exhibition was installed at ETH Zurich, the Architekturmuseum der TU Munich and the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennial.
The exhibition is comprised of a modular, off-the-shelf, pipe structure, layered fabric panels, videos, and models. It shows an overview of Urban-Think Tank’s research methods, proposals, and built projects from the past two decades. The exhibition was installed at ETH Zurich, the Architekturmuseum der TU Munich and the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennial.

With: Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, ETH Zurich
Curator: Andres Lepik
Structural Design: Danny Wills
Exhibition Managers: Daniel Schwartz, Danny Wills, Helle Bendixen, Ayca Beygo
Student Assistants: Jack Isles, Kosha Joian Ahmadi, Alexandra Meuche, Callisté Mastrandréas, Hélène Tabèze
Illustrated Typography: Lea Becker
Supported by: ETH Zurich, D-ARCH, NSL Architekturmuseum der TU München Creation Baumann +GF+ Adunic Zumtobel Lighting, Schneider-Weisse
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