Theater of the Everyday Design Studio
In this studio, students developed new forms of urban literacy by learning to read and act on the city. The studio approached site research as a design activity, encouraging the use of technological tools and anthropological methods as students unpacked the complexities of urban space. Through measurement, mapping, carefully designed interviews, observation, sketching and data extraction, the class analyzed and reimagined the spatial context of daily performance.
In this studio, students developed new forms of urban literacy by learning to read and act on the city. The studio approached site research as a design activity, encouraging the use of technological tools and anthropological methods as students unpacked the complexities of urban space. Through measurement, mapping, carefully designed interviews, observation, sketching and data extraction, the class analyzed and reimagined the spatial context of daily performance.

Adjunct Professor
International Program in Design and Architecture, Chulalongkorn University
With Rebecca Looringh-van Beeck
Students: Sakdithat Pitakkotchakorn, Thunda Rerkpaisan, Tanyaluck Kittithirapong, Raewadee Lamlertsuk, Nanna Thaiboonruang, Pimboon Wongmesak
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