Computer Applications
This course trained students in computer modeling literacy and visualization techniques, with a primary focus
on the construction of representational two-dimensional media forms. Through a series of workshops themed around the construction of a mock theater production, students learned various digital techniques and skills
each with its own specific relation to scenography’s varied disciplines: costume, lighting, stage, actors, props, etc.
The goal of this course was to leave students with the ability to demonstrate simple NURBS and Mesh modeling
techniques, 2D visualization skills (color, pattern, composition), rendering knowledge, basic visual scripting, and general workflows between Rhino 3D, Grasshopper and the Adobe Suite. Simultaneously, the class as a whole built a collective knowledge of online data libraries (blocks, hatches, people, furniture, etc.) to use in their design
studio representations, leaving each student with a foundation of representational tools for future use.
2nd Year Core Course
Kent State University
School of Architecture and Urban Design
Students: Zook Crain, Sara Vala, Nicholas Kubiez, Regina Gonano, Chris Rankin, Feyza Mutlu, Olivia Muchewicz, Amber Meisner, Jayda Vorndran, Ndeye Bassel, Trevor Rodgers, Braden Meyerl, Keith Harvey
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